[theqoo] Jennie's first full length album 'Ruby' & title track 'like JENNIE'
Source: 🔗 theqoo / 16.5k views 15 songs including the pre-release singles The music video for the title track 'Like JENNIE' will be released at 2pm KST. Comments: At last Oh, I'm listening. I can finally hear Zen The title is crazy Jennie's rap is crazy It's on YouTube Music! I like it I fell in love with the pre-release songs. The title is amazing. All the songs are good! I like 'start a war' too. A real masterpiece. It's so good. You have to listen to them all. I'm so nervous. Maybe it's because I've been waiting so long. The title is amazing. Jennie is amazing. It's crazy, it's crazy. Jennie, you should be so proud of yourself. Wow Listening to Dua's song. I love it. Dua's feature is amazing. Why isn't it a single????? The rap is awesome. Rapper Jennie is so nice. I like Handlebars. Jennie is a genius. Crazy album I'm listening and I like it all ㅜ ㅜ ㅠ ㅠ I'm listening to music and I'm so happy. Starlight ...