
[theqoo/daum] JENNIE - ZEN

Source: 🔗 theqoo / 37k views Comments: No, it's good. Is it like a Silla hair ornament at the beginning? Very pretty. Suddenly dropping a new song? Crazy. Wow it looks like an art film. Did it drop out of nowhere? Without any publicity???? Wow, the music video is perfect. Oh Director Cho Gi-Seok. Wow. How many styles are there? They all look good on you. Everything is screaming popstar material. Jennie's low voice is so good. What's with the visual beauty? Wow, it's so unique. It feels like the intro. I love it. All of a sudden? Jennie is so cool. Wow, it's art. The music video quality is crazy. JENNIE  ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ The music video was filmed really well. I watched it about 5 times. It's so crazy. It's so cool. As expected, I like artists. The styling and direction are crazy. Jennie's aura But it feels like I'm watching an art video. It's shockingly cool. Wow, the album intro? I can feel you prepared it well. The video is amazing. Queen Jennie is no...

[theqoo] Jennie's 1st Studio Album 'Ruby' Trailer, Features + Preorder

Source: 🔗  theqoo / 14k views Comments: OMG It's coming out with a name on it. It's RedJen The feature line-up is crazy. Wow, it's so pretty. The atmosphere is crazy. I can't wait to see you at Coachella Wow, Hunger Games come to mind Out of your mind I like the songs already I can't believe it's a full album. Kim Jennie is crazy I love you... So unique and charming Amazing There will be a prerelease single right? I hope it comes out well. I really like the composition of the album I just love Jennie's voice. JENNIE is JENNIE I can't wait to see Jennie working hard. Please rap a lot  ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ Crazy hot She's like a gem in a land of jewels Wow the feature line-up is daebak! ...I like it. A popstar. The face of a millennium Wow, your vocal tone is amazing So crazy, so cool Oh, I'm so excited. - Childish Gambino FKJ Doechi Dominic Fike Dua Lipa Source: 🔗  theqoo / 53k views 🚨 Kali Uchis Comments: Oh, I only know Dua Lipa Wow, Kalu Uchis Wow,...

[youtube] JENNIE - Mantra (Jimmy Kimmel Live! Performance)

  Source: 🔗  JENNIE - Mantra  / 4.7M views Comments: [+9.9K] Jennie is a f**king hexagonal (artist). (Hexagon - a perfect person in all aspects of life) [+5.6K] Everyone is admiring Jennie's live (singing) right now, that they did not notice that she has a spoon on her pants.        [+492] I found out through this comment that she put a lot of spoons.        [+235] Jennie is still fashionable while dripping with spoons and forks. [+5.6K] There was no place to breathe (in the song), so I was wondering what she's going to do with the live performance. Look at how Jennie is doing it while dancing. [+5.6K] Wow, it's amazing that a solo artist like this comes out in the K-Pop scene. All I can say is that she's really amazing. [+4.1K] It's live, so it's more powerful and cool. I'm looking forward to seeing an album full of Jennie's solo songs!!! [+3.8K] Wow, she's singing this live. [+3.3K] Jennie works so hard. [+2.6K] How much I missed...

[theqoo/daum] Jennie 'Mantra' Performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Source: 🔗  theqoo / 40k views 🚨 Comments: The live itself is amazing and good. Jennie is so cool. Wow, live version is better. She's so good at dancing and singing live. Is that a spoon on your waist? There's no break. I'm so proud of you ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ The dance is so difficult, the viewers can't even breathe. I like everything except for the camerawork. A natural celebrity.. Top star. JENNIE is JENNIE She was always good at live. When do you breathe? I'm out of breath watching this. Jennie's stardom is crazy. Wow, you're stable and good. It's so calming to watch. At first, it wasn't my type of song, but when I saw the performance, it was so good I listened to it again and liked it. She has great fandom pull. Iconic Oh, I'm jealous. The sound quality is so clear I can hear it well. Crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's cool to sing all the words solo Singers are definitely more attractive when they sing live. Cute smile at the end It's fun to watch you perform...

[youtube] JENNIE - Mantra (Korean Lyrics)

Source: 🔗  youtube / 615k views 🚨 Comments: 👍6.8k - The lyrics where Jennie says she will protect all the pretty women really makes my heart flutter. 👍5.3k - It's perfect that the song was released on October 11th - "International Girl's Day" 👍4.6k - Jennie seems to fit this American hot girl vibe... She has a unique hot girl vibe. 👍238 - It's not US or Australia.. Jennie is a native Korean girl, so call her a Korean hot girl 🥺 👍3.9k - A lot of the girlgroup songs are about love with men but solo it's like the lyrics have completely changed. I love it. 👍243 - Right, it feels like the topic itself has changed from love to me. 👍76 - That's why the debut song SOLO is about shining without you  ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 👍3.6k - Of course I knew Jennie was good, but with this solo song, I felt once again that she was in a different class. It's really good  ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 👍3.2k - The color of the song is orange and orange is symbolic for stopping violence against women an...