[theqoo] Jennie's 1st Studio Album 'Ruby' Trailer, Features + Preorder
Source: π theqoo / 14k views
- It's coming out with a name on it.
- It's RedJen
- The feature line-up is crazy.
- Wow, it's so pretty.
- The atmosphere is crazy.
- I can't wait to see you at Coachella
- Wow, Hunger Games come to mind
- Out of your mind
- I like the songs already
- I can't believe it's a full album.
- Kim Jennie is crazy
- I love you...
- So unique and charming
- Amazing
- There will be a prerelease single right? I hope it comes out well.
- I really like the composition of the album
- I just love Jennie's voice.
- I can't wait to see Jennie working hard.
- Please rap a lot γ γ γ γ γ γ
- Crazy hot
- She's like a gem in a land of jewels
- Wow the feature line-up is daebak!
- ...I like it.
- A popstar.
- The face of a millennium
- Wow, your vocal tone is amazing
- So crazy, so cool
- Oh, I'm so excited.
Childish Gambino
Dominic Fike
Dua Lipa
Source: π theqoo / 53k views π¨ |
Kali Uchis
- Oh, I only know Dua Lipa
- Wow, Kalu Uchis
- Wow, 15 songs is a full album
- Crazy line-up
- March 7th come quickly
- Doechi and Dua Lipa!!!!
- Oh my
- I'm really looking forward to what Kali Uchis and FKJ will do...
- Wow, I was wondering how amazing it would be, but it's truly amazing.
- What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!
- I think 15 songs is crazy. Unimaginable in YG
- Doechi!
- It's been a long time since I've seen a full studio album.
- Crazy hip kids all in one γ γ γ γ±γ± JENNIE
- It's nice to come out of YG and release a lot of songs
- Wow, isn't Doechi the trend these days?
- The line-up is crazy. Doechi?
- I'm touched that there are 15 songs
- OMG, Childish Gambino
- 15 songs? Awesome! Jennie worked hard.
- Personally, I'm looking forward to the FKJ single.
- Goosebumps
- Wow, Childish Gambino is amazing. Jennie is such a popstar.
- I like Kali's songs. I'm looking forward to it.
- You're really serious about music.
- I can't wait to hear Jennie's full album.
- What?????
- My heart is racing.
- Jennie is the only famous person to me γ γ γ γ
- Oh, Doechi? You look great with Jennie.
Source: π theqoo / 45k views π¨ |
Physical Includes Jennie Only Audio version, no featured artists.
- Please release the title.
- Wow, that's nice.
- Oh, so it's 15 songs and Jennie's version?
- No, the fans always want to hear their bias' voice only γ γ γ γ γ±
- Wow, it's so interesting to have so many songs in albums these days
- Wow, it's so sweet
- This is going to kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh, it's only possible because you're talented.
- The fans must be happy
- Jackpot
- It's so nice. Features are great, but I also want to hear an album full of Jennie's voice.
- Wow, so there are 15 songs and Jennie has 15 songs so it's 30??
- I think there are only 6 features so 15+6
- Oh that's nice. Should I buy her album?
- Fans will definitely buy physicals but it's more meaningful and worth it this way
- I love it
- Wow this is real fan service.
- γ γ γ γ I'm so jealous of Jennie fans. I wish my bias would do this too γ γ γ γ γ
- There are a lot of genres but Jennie can do everything. I like Jennie.
- I'm looking forward to it. I loved Mantra too
- Jennie, I love you. I love you.