[daum/theqoo] Jennie covers Elle Korea

Jennie: "It's an honor to be an icon to someone"

Source: πŸ”— daum / 53.4k views


  1. I love you
  2. Why are you so pretty?
  3. So envious, so amazing, so cool
  4. Respectfully handsome
  5. "I want to show a more friendly and comfortable side of me in the future," she said. I like how friendly and comfortable you are πŸ‘
  6. It's so attractive. She's fascinating
  7. You're so good at pictorials. Out of my mind
  8. Jennie's shoulder line is crazy. Every time I see it, it's so charming
  9. Jennie is really...What did she do to get the blessing to become Jennie?
  10. Wow that's awesome
  11. Jennie I love you γ… γ…  Please come out of YG γ…œ..γ… 
  12. I think Jennie and Rihanna have similar swag.. I think the mood resembles a little bit
  13. I think it's been a long time since I saw a celebrity who became an icon of the times without consuming their image..
    • She looks like a real 'icon of the times' as they say
  14. Wow, the Eastern and Western concepts are perfect together. Very mysterious..
  15. I'm happy whenever I see [her] face
  16. There's no style that doesn't look good on her. She digested everything
  17. She's a natural celebrity who pulls off any concept. ❤
  18. Jennie's really... one and only πŸ’›πŸ’›
  19. Wow, this is crazy!!
  20. I think she's the best performer.. The epitome of hip
  21. A real heavenly superstar
  22. Really unrivalled
  23. Jennie is amazing
  24. How come you look good in all kinds of styles? Jennie is really Jennie
  25. The best of all

Pick your favorite Jennie Elle pictorial cover

My pic is 6. So pretty

Source: πŸ”— theqoo / 18.9k views


  1. 1,3,6 I like all of them
  2. I love the last one
  3. 3 is pretty and 4 is iconic
  4. 5 I like black and white Jennie
  5. Out of my mind
  6. 3, 6, she's just so pretty...
  7. 2 personal taste
  8. 4 is crazy. Everything is pretty TT
  9. 3 Everything is just pretty TTTTT
  10. They're all pretty but 5